„I imagine a situation when my body is getting injured, when other people are killed or blown up in front of my eyes, and I get the urge to fall asleep and convince myself that violence can’t reach my sleeping world.” In 24h of Sleep Kristīne Brīniņa explores different states of sleep as a possible refuge from the fear induced by the reality. The visitors are invited to spend 24 minutes in a sleep landscape and collectively imagine the end and the beginning of this micro-world. „Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still”, Pablo Neruda Keeping Quiet.

„She develops with "24h of Sleep" a symbolic work on violence. In front of only seven spectators, slumped on an old couch for 24 minutes, she simulates different states and positions of sleep while a loudspeaker diffuses an array of aggressive sounds: dogs barking, helicopter, gunshots, alarms ... Difficult to not to see in it a representation of our own repression in the face of the violence suffered by migrants in their exile.” Mathias Daval (FR), I / O Gazette | 11 09 2017 | Review

Idea: Kristīne Brīniņa
Performance: Kristīne Brīniņa, Emija Zvaigznīte, Gundega Rēdere
Set design: Marija Vītola
Sound: selffish
Lights: Ronalds Kļava
Production: Laura Stašāne, New Theatre Institute of Latvia

Premier: 7th, 8th of September, 2017, International festival of contemporary theater  "HOMO NOVUS"

Financial support: Culture Capiltal Foundation of Latvia